Within thirty (30) days after the council's decision pursuant to section 34-43, any applicant favored by it shall furnish the city manager with information as to
the particular vehicle or vehicles for which the certificate is to be issued, such
information to include, as to each vehicle, the make, state license number, the length
of time it has been in service and the motor power, the name and address of the person
from whom the vehicle was purchased, and any other information required by the city
manager. If the city manager finds that such applicant is the owner of such vehicle
or vehicles, that the same are fit and safe for the transportation of passengers and
conform to the requirements of this article and such other requirements as the city
manager may make under the authority conferred on him by this article, he shall issue
to the successful applicant a certificate of convenience and necessity.
(Ord. No. 23539, § 7, 4-4-77)