§ 36.2-551. Development plans, generally.  

Latest version.
  • (a)



    All applications for a zoning permit required pursuant to Section 36.2-522 shall be accompanied by a basic or comprehensive development plan.


    A development plan is intended to represent graphically all components of a proposed development required for review pursuant to this division. Development plans may include, where necessary, written data or computations and additional plans or drawings necessary to explain clearly the proposed development.


    Combination of lots. When a basic or comprehensive development plan involves multiple lots of record, internal lot lines shall be vacated, relocated, or otherwise altered as a part of an otherwise valid and properly recorded plat of subdivision or resubdivision to create a single lot of record. This requirement may be waived by the Zoning Administrator whenever a new building is not being erected across a lot line, and the new construction consists entirely of a fence, a ramp for handicap accessibility, an addition to an existing single-family dwelling, or an accessory structure whenever the existing dwelling or accessory structure is already located on a lot line.


    Pre-application meeting. Prior to a formal submission of a development plan for review and approval, the applicant should meet with the Zoning Administrator to determine whether a basic or comprehensive development plan is required and what information must be provided.


    General review guidelines. Review of a development plan shall entail consideration of all aspects of the proposed development necessary to carry out the intent of this division and shall include a review of:


    The compatibility of the development with its environment and provision for such things as grading, screening, buffering, lighting, and landscaping;


    The ability of the development to provide for parking areas and the convenient and safe internal and external movement of vehicles and pedestrians; and


    The location and adequacy of necessary drainage, storm water management, sewage, utilities, and erosion and sediment control measures.


    Scope of approval.


    Upon receipt of an approved and signed copy of the development plan, and provided that all other requirements of this chapter have been met, the Zoning Administrator shall issue a zoning permit to the applicant.


    An approved basic or comprehensive development plan shall expire and be null and void unless a building permit has been issued or use of the land has commenced within five (5) years from the date of approval. Upon request, revalidation of the development plan may be granted for an additional six (6) months if all factors of the original development plan review are the same, provided that written notice requesting revalidation shall be received by the Zoning Administrator prior to expiration of the original five-year period.


    Building permits and Certificates of Occupancy. All building permits and Certificates of Occupancy shall require compliance with the provisions of the approved basic or comprehensive development plan.


    Phasing. In order to enforce compliance with permit conditions, a development plan may be approved in phases, subject to a condition that building permits and Certificates of Occupancy in a phase of the development may be withheld subject to compliance with permit conditions in a prior phase.


    If the development requires the installation of public improvements, such as street dedication, utilities, stormwater facilities, erosion and sediment and control measures, or any public improvements, any one (1) or more of the documents set forth below may be required. In all such instances of the need to submit any one (1) or more of the agreements and/or guarantees below, the preparer of the comprehensive development plan shall submit a schedule of cost estimates in unit quantities, with totals, for all proposed public improvements, erosion and sediment controls practices, and stormwater management measures, as part of the comprehensive development plan submittal.


    Development agreement between the developer and the City, guaranteeing the satisfactory installation of the improvements or erosion and sediment control measures;


    Performance guarantee in the amount of one hundred and ten (110) percent the cost estimated for the installation of such improvements or erosion and sediment control measures; and


    Maintenance agreement between the developer and/or owners of the property and the City providing for future maintenance of certain privately owned stormwater management facilities.

    (Ord. No. 39495, § 1, 9-4-12; Ord. No. 40088, § 1, 10-20-14)

(Ord. No. 39495, § 1, 9-4-12; Ord. No. 40088, § 1, 10-20-14)