Roanoke |
Code of Ordinances |
Chapter 36.2. ZONING |
Article 5. PROCEDURES |
§ 36.2-553. Comprehensive development plans.
Applicability. A comprehensive development plan shall be submitted with all zoning permit applications, except where a basic development plan is required pursuant to Section 36.2-552.
Filing of plan. The applicant shall file a comprehensive development plan with the Zoning Administrator. Such comprehensive development plan shall be prepared in a clear and legible manner, shall be drawn to scale, and shall comply with the submittal requirements of Section B-2, Appendix B. The Zoning Administrator may authorize the omission of certain elements of a comprehensive development plan when such information is not necessary to determine compliance with applicable development regulations. The comprehensive development plan shall be referred to the agent to the Planning Commission for review and approval in accordance with subsections (c) and (d), below.
The Agent to the Planning Commission shall approve or disapprove all comprehensive development plans, except as set out in Section 36.2-553(c)(2).
The Agent shall process and coordinate the review of comprehensive development plans with the City Engineer, other applicable departments, and the Western Virginia Water Authority.
Within twelve (12) business days after the initial submittal or resubmittal of a comprehensive development plan, the Agent shall notify the applicant or his representative, in writing, that:
The information on the development plan is incomplete, in error, or lacking in detail, and delineate the additional information required or necessary revisions; or
The development plan is sufficient in required information and accuracy and has been reviewed and approved.
The Agent to the Planning Commission, the applicant, or the Planning Commission may request that a comprehensive development plan be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission.
If such request is made by the Agent or the Planning Commission, the Agent to the Planning Commission shall notify the applicant, in writing, within fifteen (15) calendar days of submission or resubmission of a comprehensive development plan that the development plan must be reviewed by the Planning Commission at its next regularly scheduled meeting.
All required plans and information to be submitted to the Planning Commission shall be submitted at least ten (10) business days prior to the scheduled meeting of the Commission. The Agent may prepare a report outlining the various and particular aspects of the plan, with recommendations for the Planning Commission's consideration.
The Agent shall inform the applicant, in writing, of the Planning Commission's decision. If the Commission's decision necessitates revision of the development plan, the applicant shall submit ten (10) copies of the revised development plan to the Agent for final approval.
All approved comprehensive development plans shall be signed by the Agent to the Planning Commission, the Zoning Administrator, and the City Development Engineer.
Approval criteria.
The comprehensive development plan shall comply with all applicable requirements of this chapter.
Where erosion and sediment controls for the development are required by the provisions of Chapter 11.1, Erosion and Sediment Control, of this Code, an erosion and sediment control plan shall be implemented. The design of all drainage improvements shall conform to Chapter 11.4, Stormwater Management, of this Code.
Amendment of plan. If it becomes necessary for an approved comprehensive development plan to be changed, such changes may be made with the approval of the Zoning Administrator, the Agent to the Planning Commission, and the City Development Engineer. If a proposed change will, in the opinion of the Zoning Administrator, the Agent to the Planning Commission, or the City Development Engineer, substantially affect the terms of the original approval, a new plan may be required to be drawn and submitted for review and action in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. No. 37633, § 11, 11-20-06; Ord. No. 37984, § 5, 12-17-07; Ord. No. 39495, § 1, 9-4-12)
(Ord. No. 37633, § 11, 11-20-06; Ord. No. 37984, § 5, 12-17-07; Ord. No. 39495, § 1, 9-4-12)