§ 36.2-643. Preservation of existing landscape features.  

Latest version.
  • (a)



    During development, the property owner shall demonstrate reasonable efforts, in light of the proposed development and topography of a particular site, to preserve, replenish, protect, and utilize the following types of landscape features: trees of six (6) inch caliper or larger; ornamental trees of any size; trees within required yards, along property boundaries, or within twenty (20) feet of streams or lakes, unless necessary to remove for access, tree health, traffic circulation, utilities, or drainage; and streams in their natural condition.


    The Zoning Administrator shall have the authority to require the replacement of trees destroyed during site development, particularly as delineated in subparagraph (1) above.


    With the approval of the Zoning Administrator, any existing tree, of six (6) inch caliper or greater, determined to be in healthy condition and of a species permitted and suitable for the requirement of this division for which credit is requested, as established in Table 642-1, and preserved on the site in accordance with Section 36.2-643(b), may receive a tree preservation bonus. For purposes of this subsection, a tree preservation bonus shall provide credit as follows for purposes of satisfying tree canopy requirements:


    Existing approved tree of at least six (6) inch caliper shall receive a canopy credit of two (2) trees of the same species;


    Existing approved tree of at least nine (9) inch caliper shall receive a canopy credit of three (3) trees of the same species; or


    Existing approved tree of at least twelve (12) inch caliper shall receive a canopy credit of four (4) trees of the same species.


    Tree protection during construction. Where, at the option of the developer, existing trees, of at least six (6) inch caliper, or wooded areas, are to be preserved in lieu of planting new materials in order to satisfy the tree canopy, landscaping, buffer yard, or screening requirements of this division, subject to determination of the Zoning Administrator that such trees or wooded areas to be preserved will serve the purposes of this division, and as a condition of any approval pursuant to Section 36.2-643(a)(3), the following requirements shall apply:


    Groups of trees and individual trees that will be retained on a development site shall be accurately located on a basic development plan (see Section B-1, Appendix B) or on the Landscape Plan of a comprehensive development plan (see Section B-3, Appendix B) and designated as "Tree Protection Areas," and shall be clearly marked on the development site prior to any land disturbance. Grading, clearing, storage of materials, dumping of materials, and parking or transporting vehicles and equipment shall be prohibited inside any "Tree Protection Areas."


    Tree protection devices as specified in "STD & SPEC 3.38, Tree Preservation and Protection," in the 1992 edition of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook, shall be used to protect trees in any "Tree Protection Areas."


    Applicable diagrams of tree protection devices shall be provided as part of any development plan (see Appendix B). Such tree protection devices shall be installed prior to any cleaning or grading on the site, shall be maintained during construction, and shall remain in place until completion of all guaranteed improvements shown on the development plan and final release on all requirements by the City.


    The Zoning Administrator shall make a determination concerning the degree of damage to any tree, whether replacement of any damaged tree is required, or the corrective measures to be taken to ensure the survival of damaged trees. The Zoning Administrator shall notify the property owner if any trees must be repaired or replaced because of the damage caused by the stress of construction.