Article IV. PARKS  

§ 24-87. Supervision and management.
§ 24-88. Violations of article.
§ 24-89. Reservation of space or facilities for use by groups at particular time.
§ 24-90. Charges for private use of recreation buildings or facilities.
§ 24-91. Closing hours.
§ 24-92. Special permit for use after closing hours.
§ 24-93. Market Square Park.
§ 24-94. Motor vehicles and bicycles to be operated or ridden only on designated roadways or areas.
§ 24-95. Leaving motor vehicle unoccupied.
§ 24-96. Posting or displaying signs or advertisements; selling articles.
§ 24-97. Possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages.
§ 24-97.1. Regulation of smoking at amphitheater at Elmwood Park.
§ 24-98. Injuring, disturbing, etc., animals.
§ 24-99. Feeding fish.
§ 24-100. Pollution or unlawful use of water.
§ 24-101. Climbing trees or attaching swings thereto; unlawful use, etc., of benches or fences; entering closed areas.
§ 24-102. Unlawful possession of paint.
§ 24-103. Definition; purpose.

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Charter reference— Authority of city to establish and maintain parks, playgrounds and recreational facilities, § 2(12, 12.3).

Cross reference— Reservation of land in subdivisions for parks and playgrounds, § 31-123.

State Law reference— Authority of city to establish and maintain parks and playgrounds and system of public recreation, Code of Virginia, §§ 15.1-271, 15.1-272.