§ 2-86. Adoption and amendment of rules.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    It shall be the duty of the commission to advise the city manager, after an open hearing to allow employees to comment on the potential adoption and amendment of rules and regulations, and within thirty (30) days after referral to the commission, as to the adoption and amendment of such rules, practices and procedures, from time to time, to give effect to all provisions of the personnel management relations policy established by the city council and, in furtherance of such duty, to consider either such rules as may from time to time be suggested or recommended through the personnel management department, or as the commission shall consider necessary, to carry out the provisions of this article with respect to persons in the classified service. The commission shall consider the proposed rules with such modifications as it may deem advisable. Amendments to the rules may be considered from time to time after a properly noticed and held open hearing as set forth in section 2-61.


    The rules and amendments thereof so considered shall have, to the extent that they are consistent with the terms of the Constitutions of the United States and of the Commonwealth of Virginia, the city Charter and the statutes of this commonwealth, the force of law when approved by the city manager. They shall provide for:


    The method of holding competitive examinations.


    The method of certifying eligibles for appointment.


    The establishment, maintenance, consolidation and cancellation of eligible lists.


    The administration of the classification plan and pay plan.


    Methods of promotion and the application of service ratings thereto.


    Probationary periods of employment.


    Transfers of employees within the classification plan.


    Hours of work.


    Overtime pay.


    The order and manner in which layoffs shall be effected.


    Grievance hearings.


    Such other matters as may be necessary to provide adequate and systematic handling of the personnel affairs of the city.

    (Ord. No. 24437, § 1 (Ch. 13.02, § 3), 12-11-78; Ord. No. 38332, § 2, 1-5-09)

(Ord. No. 24437, § 1 (Ch. 13.02, § 3), 12-11-78; Ord. No. 38332, § 2, 1-5-09)