§ 6-112. Density requirements.
No person shall keep, place or maintain more than four (4) beehives on any parcel of real property which contains ten thousand (10,000) square feet or less in area. With respect to parcels larger than ten thousand (10,000) square feet in area, one (1) additional beehive shall be permitted for each two thousand (2,000) square feet of area in excess of ten thousand (10,000) square feet. Notwithstanding the foregoing, during the months of April, May and June (swarm season) only, a person shall be permitted to keep two (2) additional beehives, over and above those permitted during the balance of the year, on any parcel of real property.
The density restrictions established by this section shall have no application to beehives kept, placed or maintained on any parcel of real property of one (1) acre or larger in size or on any parcel zoned RA, Residential-Agricultural District.
(Ord. No. 29076, § 2, 5-2-88; Ord. No. 37350, § 1, 4-3-06)
(Ord. No. 29076, § 2, 5-2-88; Ord. No. 37350, § 1, 4-3-06)